Our guide aims to assist in determining the optimal method for relocating a mattress. If you’re transitioning between apartments or simply wish to shift your mattress to a different room on your own, this guide is designed to help.
How to move a mattress by yourself
Moving a mattress by yourself can be challenging. You need to take extra steps and precautions to prevent damaging the mattress, the surrounding area or injuring yourself.
Always try and get a pair of helping hands. But, if they aren’t available, you can use tools like a moving trolley, mattress bag, bubble wrap, tie-down-straps, and other items which you probably need if you are moving it by yourself. Here is a full breakdown of how you can move a mattress:

- Should you even move the mattress?
When moving on your own, an important consideration in assessing whether the furniture from your old home is worth bringing with you to your new home, including mattresses.
It should be replaced if it has already served its years or shows signs of wear and tear. Most of the time it will be more beneficial to leave it, as they take up a lot of room. You can pick up an affordable bed in a box that will be shipped to your new place.
- Ask professionals to move your mattress.
Moving to a new home means you don’t just move a new mattress. There will be other pieces of furniture that you cannot move alone without damaging them. In this case, you are highly recommended to hire moving professionals to help you move the mattress.
- Ask your friends to help you to move.
If possible, get as much help as you need. It’s discouraged to attempt to pull a mattress down a flight of stairs on your own as it could easily lead to an accident. If help is not available, follow the steps outlined below.
- First, pack the mattress to protect it during transport.
Strip your bed from any beddings, pillows, toppers, or any other accessories. Take the time to inspect all aspects of the mattress and the underside for worrisome damages.
If there are none, proceed to pack the bed. Your best bet is a mattress bag, which can be bought from any local, removable company or most reputable furniture store.
If a mattress bag is not available, you can improvise using polyurethane sheets or even thick blankets such as moving blankets or even the normal ones.
The goal is to cover the mattress to protect it from dust, dirt, abrasions, and other possible factors that may damage the bed. Then, get a durable tape and wrap the whole thing with it, ensuring that the mattress covering doesn’t move and you pay extra attention to the corners.
- After that, walk to where you plan to move the mattress.
Whether it’s a truck or a friend’s van, planning the route and taking note of any obstacles will avoid mishaps. You should also clear the path to making sure you don’t trip over anything.
You may have to move the bed at funny angles to fit through some tight spots, such as doorways. You can take measurements to see if it will fit through the route you plan to take.
How to transport mattress
To transport a mattress, you will need a big enough vehicle, such as a van. Taking a mattress on a car can be very dangerous and should be avoided.

Here are some tips to make this task easier.
- Moving companies can help in providing a moving truck. A dolly can also be rented out from moving companies such as UHaul or home goods stores.
- Don’t move a mattress strapped to the top of a car as the mattress has a high chance of slipping, which may cause accidents on the road.
- Mattresses should be transported upright, on their side, preferably leaning against the wall to secure it properly. It should not be transported lying down if you plan on loading everything else on top of it.
How to transport a mattress without a truck
If a truck is not available, a van should do the job. Most mattresses will fit on their side. If not, put it on a slight angle and make sure it’s strapped down and secure.