When to buy a new mattress

Have you lately felt that your bed has lost its comfort and are pondering over the best time to purchase a new mattress? You’ve landed at the right spot. In this guide, we are going to cover

  • When should you get a new mattress?
  • After how many years should a mattress be replaced? 
  • What to look for when a mattress is worn out

When to get a new mattress

If your old mattress is over 7 years old, does not deliver a good night’s sleep, or does not adapt to your changing body, then you should get a new one. You can use the following guide questions to decide whether or not to buy a new mattress.

  1. Is this mattress more than 7 years old? 
  2. Do you wake up with stiffness, aches, and pains from sleeping on this mattress? 
  3. Try to remember the quality of your sleep in this same mattress over a year ago, is it the same? 
  4. When you sleep in other mattresses (such as when you traveled out of town), did you get better sleep on those beds?
  5. Does your mattress show visible signs of being worn out such as sagging, deflating, lumps? 
  6. Is your mattress home for unwanted guests such as dust mites or mould?

Moreover, here are other factors that you should consider when buying a new mattress. 

  1. Are there major life changes in your life that necessitate the need for a new mattress? 
  2. Were there major changes in your weight and your current mattress no longer accommodates your needs? 
  3. Have you been recently married but your current bed fails to cope with you and your partner’s sleeping needs? 

It’s important to not only consider the physical aspect of the bed but to also consider whether or not your current bed is still suitable for your life’s circumstances. Generally speaking, if you answered yes to all these questions, it’s about time that you get a new bed. 

A mattress that is infested with allergen, mold, or bed bugs, and cannot be salvaged should be tossed out.

How often should I replace my mattress

You shouldn’t just consider the feel or look of the mattress to decide whether or not to replace it.  Bed Advice UK recommends changing your mattress every 6-7 years. Whereas, the Sleep Council and companies in the sleep industry recommend a change for every 8-10 years. 

So it’s safe to say that you shouldn’t keep your bed beyond the 7-year mark. 

This is already a given but a mattress’ performance deteriorates over time. This means that the longer you keep your bed, the lesser it is at its optimal capacity to provide you the comfort and support that you need. 

Consequently, older mattresses will cause pain in the back or neck because they are more uncomfortable. Holding on to a mattress for over a decade will only affect the quality of your sleep.  Furthermore, using a mattress for over 7 years will already provide a return on your investment. 

Spending £1,000 on a mattress in a box that you’ll use for 7 years means you’re spending 20p per night for a good night’s sleep. The nights of good sleep will allow you to be more productive and energetic during the day. 

Moreover, in terms of hygiene, it’s important to keep in mind that a mattress is basically a giant sponge that collects dust and moisture over time. Every year, you shed a pound of skin cells and a pint of sweat while sleeping on your mattress. 

That accumulates over time, especially if it is not regularly cleaned or cared for. 

How to tell if a mattress is worn out

You can tell if a mattress is worn out not only by its appearance but also by how it feels. If the mattress shows signs of wear and tear and feels worn out, it has probably seen a lot of use over the years and should already be replaced. Check these signs to determine whether or not your mattress is worn out.

  1. Visible signs

Sagging mattresses are one of the telltale signs that a mattress is worn out. As your weight repeatedly compresses over the mattress, the structure can dip and form indents. Mattresses with springs have shorter lifespans and sag easily when they start to wear out. 

Memory foam beds, on the other hand, are designed to conform to the weight of your body and are less likely to sag. 

Memory foam can still spring back to shape even if it is deeply indented or does not spring back to its original shape, but it can be far beyond its final years. You might also check for signs of wear and tear such as fillings spilling out, or layers becoming exposed, in addition to sagging.

  1. Feel 

You are using your mattress way past its intended lifespan if it has developed lumps. As fillings move around, they tend to clump together over time. It’s also hella uncomfortable if your limb is placed right on top of a lump, especially if it’s a big one. 

Additionally, if you don’t wake up feeling brand new in your bed anymore, the internal mechanisms are no longer working properly so you’re likely not getting the same level of support and comfort that you once did. 

  1. Sound

This is only true for spring mattresses, especially those old-style box springs. If you hear your box springs making squeaky sounds, this is an indication that they are old and are already breaking down. 

Most of the bed’s support comes from the springs, which hold it up. As they begin to break down, the fillings and other layers will sag as well.