You awaken during the night to find small red insects moving about your bed. Upon closer inspection, you discover there are indeed thousands of these creatures!
What could these little creatures be? Where did they come from, and how do you get rid of them? Read on to find out more about this pesky problem.
Tiny red bugs in bed
Clover mites are very small and can sometimes be called “tiny red bugs.” They are a household pest that invades very large numbers, especially in the fall and spring. Clover mites feed on clover, grass, weeds, and other plants.
Or they could be bed bugs that fall under the category of Cimicididae. These pests feed on human blood and can be found in a number of locations around your home including bedding, furniture, carpeting, clothing, and behind wallpaper.
If you have noticed tiny red bugs crawling on or near your mattress or other sleeping areas then chances are you have an infestation of bedbugs! This blog post discusses what these pests look like, how to identify them as well as how to remove them from your home completely.
Are red bugs on the bed dangerous?
Clover mites aren’t dangerous. There are no viruses or diseases transmitted by these mites, and they do not bite or sting. Their biggest problem is that they often stain bedding and other furniture or walls, which can become quite a nuisance. Despite their tiny size, clover mites are unlikely to cause problems in your daily routine, although they reproduce quickly.
How do you get rid of them?
You can remove clover mites using a vacuum cleaner. Carefully suck up the little “bugs” with your machine, then dispose of them in an outdoor garbage bin. If they are on furniture or walls you may be able to wipe them off with damp cloths or paper towels – most likely they are already dead by this point though.
How to prevent future infestations
To avoid clover mites try taking off any outside furniture that’s near your home and making sure to regularly wash all of your bedding. This will cut down on their food source so they’ll be less likely to stay in the area around your house.
Keeping up with regular pest control for bedbugs can also help prevent future infestations, as this is one way that many people accidentally introduce these pests to their homes. Never pick up used furniture or mattresses without proper protection, and frequently wash all of your clothes to ensure no bugs are introduced in the future.
Some other tips on how to keep the little buggers out, including ways to seal up cracks around windows and doors, checking for any holes or openings where they can enter.
Tiny red bugs crawling on my skin?
Clover mites rarely come into contact with humans, but when they do it can cause itching that may lead to rashes. If any of the mites come into contact with your skin it is important to wash right away and use hydrocortisone cream on any rashes that may appear.
Bedbugs, on the other hand, are known for leaving bites in their victims’ skin. While some people don’t feel them bite at all – others can be left with very itchy bumps that may take a few days to heal.
How long do they live for?
Clover mites can lay 100 eggs at one time and then die off – whereas bedbugs are known for living in large groups of up to 50 or more bugs in the same area, so chances are you’ll have to deal with several of them at once!
What do tiny red bugs look like?
Clover mites are usually a reddish-brown colour, but they can vary in shade. Many people mistake clover mite faeces for the actual bug when it is actually just their eggs – so if you have seen these “bugs” in your bed or around your home, chances are they were their eggs. Bedbugs also vary in colour and size but usually appear to be a rust-red shade and can range from ½ an inch up to ⅓ of an inch long.
What do tiny red bugs eat?
Clover mites feed on plant life so if you have any plants around your home, chances are their eggs have been laid on these plants and spread to other areas in the house. Bedbugs eat human blood so it is likely that they will be found in an area near a bed or just resting during the daytime – another reason why tiny red bugs crawling on the skin may appear more often than you realize!